Protecting company assets in the event of a work stoppage or similar crisis is complex. There are plenty of considerations that need to be addressed when developing effective protection strategies, and many organizations tend to focus on the obvious ones like access control, picket line procedures and security guards. Organizations also need to think about the subtler protection issues that come into play when dealing with a work stoppage.
The Subtleties of Asset Protection
Expert assistance can go a long way toward helping companies identify the best practice measures to put in place to reduce risk and protect the company's people, property and products.
This is especially beneficial when companies are facing an unusual event outside of the day-to-day operations and can include:
Keeping track of security threats, criminal offenses and NLRA violations by union members and their supporters can give organizations leverage by being able to obtain temporary restraining orders and injunctive relief. However, simply reporting violations is not enough to get a temporary restraining order. Incident reporting and evidence gathering must be properly tracked and documented in order to be of value to your legal counsel.
Evidence Capturing
Effective documentation hinges on being able to anticipate and recognize violations when they happen. Organizations need a means to identify illegal union activities and capture them in a legally verifiable manner in order to be used as evidence.
Facility Assessment
Few people will know the ins and outs of a facility like the employees. As a result, workers can be a significant threat because of their understanding of vulnerable areas. A thorough security assessment can identify trouble spots such as a damaged fence, broken lights or frequently unsecured doors which could allow disgruntled employees to enter a facility undetected and cause harm. A thorough expert evaluation is a valuable component of a protection plan.
Ensuring Success
The period leading up to a work stoppage can be a tumultuous time. For the most part, organizations can anticipate the possibility of a strike in advance, but they also have a great deal to address during that time. As a result, having third-party assistance to evaluate security subtleties and establish a secure work environment can go a long way toward protecting company assets while freeing up management attention needed to meet business objectives whether or not a strike or work stoppage occurs.
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